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1932 – goletta olandese acciao – 27m – Dutch steel schooner. Also trade with smaller motoryacht will be considered

Courtesy Bourg de Bozas


Courtesy Bourg de Bozas


Some new of hull below and more info below.


A great and one of few example of well maintained, full of original patina details, Thirties dutch steel schooner. I personally inspected this marvellous yacht – very good condition – immediately ready to sail. Comfortable. She does not need numerous crew: 2 people could be enough to sail. History available. Actual owner obtained original plans by Dutch museum.

TIPO/TYPE: Motorsailer ANNO/YEAR 1932
CANTIERE/BUILT BY: Schouten B.V. Scheepswerf
LUNG.f.t./LOA: mt 27,50
LARG./BEAM M.: mt 4,70
PESC./DRAFT: mt 2,30
INTERNI / ACCOMODATION CABINE/CABINS: 3 guest – 1 owner – 2 crew
12 passengers +3 possible crew
MOTORE / MACHINERY MARCA /BRAND: 2 x Volvo TAMD 70D – 290hp @2500rpm

I personally inspected this motorsailer/schooner more than once. She’s always very well maintained, very good shape, no rust, well painted both wooden and steel parts. A captain takes care all over the year about paintings and systems. Masts are foldable/collapsible. Thikness of the hull and of the teak deck is OK.


HISTORY Nel dicembre del 1931 il marchese parigino Du Bourg de Bozas, molto famoso in Francia per varie imprese e missioni militari svolte in Africa orientale, commissionò al cantiere SHOUTEN , situato a Muinden, in Olanda, la costruzione di uno yacht a vela in acciaio, con motori ausiliari, in un primo progetto la barca doveva essere di 24,50 mt, poi portati a 27,50 m. La vera novità dell ‘epoca è che questa imbarcazione, varata nel 1932 e in allora battezzata “Mayfly “ fu una dei primissimi “motor-sailer” progettati e costruiti con due motori , il che rende ancor più raro e storicamente importante questo yacht. Successivamente negli anni Cinquanta è appartenuta alla famiglia dei principi Spada Potenziani e spesso la famiglia reale greca vi trascorreva le vacanze italiane. All’epoca era ormeggiata in Toscana a Porto Santo Stefano. Non è documentato, ma sembra che la barca sia stata utilizzata durante le olimpiadi di Roma come barca appoggio di Costantino di Grecia, vincitore della medaglia d’oro , classe dragoni. E’ poi appartenuta alla famiglia di armatori genovesi Cameli – D’ Amico. Alla fine degli anni Sessanta, per circa un ventennio il Comandante Vincenzo Montanari di Taranto, ha navigato nei mari a sud dell’Italia. Dal 1990 appartiene agli attuali proprietari, che ne hanno sempre curato meticolosamente la manutenzione ordinaria e straordinaria. Dal 1990 al 1993 la barca è stata completamente smontata per il restauro. Sono stati rimessi a nuovo i lamierati e sistemata l’ alberatura e timoneria, totalmente rifatto l ‘impianto elettrico, idraulico , tutto con doppie pompe, il ponte in teak , e gli interni in mogano; inoltre e stata dotata di moderni motori Volvo, con i quali a circa 1500 giri raggiunge con facilità i 9 nodi di crociera, con un consumo di circa 35 lt. di gasolio/ora, generatore compreso. E’ stato installato il pilota automatico e un potente BOW-TRUSTER, utilissimo nelle manovre. E’ stato inoltre sostituito l’ impianto frigorifero con l’ istallazione di un grosso freezer, e, per un miglior confort e stata montata l aria condizionata, Il tutto senza minimamente rovinare il sapore squisitamente marino e d’ epoca degli interni, tutti in mogano. Dal 1993 ad oggi e sempre stata oggetto di cura e manutenzioni compresi i vari certificati e misurazione delle lamiere, nuovo generatore, e desalinatore da 130 lt./h Due anni fa è stata dotata di un nuovo radar, nuovo motore del pilota e nuova elettronica per il pilotaggio e la cartografia elettronica.


History In December 1931 the Parisian Marquis Du Bourg de Bozas, very famous in France for various exploits and military missions carried out in East Africa, commissioned the SHOUTEN shipyard, located in Muinden, Holland, to build a steel sailing yacht, with auxiliary engines, in an initial project the boat had to be 24.50 m long, then brought to 27.50 m. The real novelty of the time is that this boat, launched in 1932 and then christened “Mayfly” was one of the very first “motor-sailers” designed and built with two engines, which makes this yacht even more rare and historically important. Subsequently in the fifties it belonged to the family of the Spada Potenziani princes and the Greek royal family often spent their Italian holidays there. At the time it was moored in Tuscany at Porto Santo Stefano. It is not documented, but it seems that the boat was used during the Rome Olympics as a support boat for Constantine of Greece, winner of the gold medal, dragon class. It then belonged to the Genoese family of shipowners Cameli – D’ Amico. At the end of the 1960s, for about twenty years, Commander Vincenzo Montanari of Taranto sailed in the seas south of Italy. It has belonged to the current owners since 1990, who have always meticulously taken care of its ordinary and extraordinary maintenance. From 1990 to 1993 the boat was completely disassembled for restoration. The sheet metal was refurbished and the masts and wheelhouse arranged, the electrical and hydraulic system completely redone, all with double pumps, the teak deck, and the interiors in mahogany; moreover it has been equipped with modern Volvo engines, with which at about 1500 rpm it easily reaches 9 cruising knots, with a consumption of about 35 liters. of diesel/hour, generator included. The automatic pilot and a powerful BOW-TRUSTER have been installed, very useful in maneuvers. The refrigeration system was also replaced with the installation of a large freezer, and air conditioning was installed for better comfort, all without in the least ruining the exquisitely marine and vintage flavor of the interiors, all in mahogany . From 1993 to today it has always been the object of care and maintenance including the various certificates and sheet metal measurements, new generator, and 130 lt./h desalinator Two years ago she was equipped with a new radar, new pilot motor and new electronics for piloting and electronic charting.

cockpit for mooring


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